Our club proudly fields both male and female teams and our players are a range of ages.
We are committed to all players having a great cricketing experience and doing so in a safe and supportive environment. In the case of young players, the club has a particular obligation and commitment to player wellbeing and safety.
As a means to safeguard and protect our younger players we have adopted the following policies:
This important step is in addition to our obligations under the legislative requirements under the Victorian Child Safe Standards (PDF - 146KB).
The Code of Behaviour aims to identify and prevent behaviour that may be harmful to children and young people in our sport.
It covers several areas of the operations of our cricket club and its interaction with young people including:
positive guidance
use of language
livestreaming of matches
social media content
overnight stays
transport arrangements
sexual misconduct
Working with Children Checks and other record checks.
The Prahran Cricket Club Child Safety Officer
Our Child Safety Officer (CSO) plays an important role in implementing our responsibilities in child safety and act as a contact point and support person for child safety matters. The CSO acts as a first point of contact for all safeguarding children and young people matters.
The club has appointed Sue Arscott as our Child Safety Officer (CSO). Sue is a former teacher and is well placed to support the club in ensuring we provide a safe and supportive environment for all young players. Sue is the business manager of her family’s large dental practice and has extensive experience in policy writing and working with staff and volunteers.
Sue is highly approachable, non-judgemental and empathetic. In the role of Child Safety Officer, she will be available to listen and provide support, understanding and expertise when issues arise.
Sue can be contacted at:
Sue Arscott
0412 521 185