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Let's get behind Karl!

Tragedy has struck our beloved Men's Second XI scorer Karl Hieser who lost his father and his home in a house fire last Sunday night.

Fortunately Karl, who suffers from cerebral palsy, managed to escape unharmed. However, he now finds himself homeless and needing our support to help him get on his feet again.

Karl is a well known and loved character around our club. Since joining the True Blues as our men's Second XI scorer in 1992/93, he has missed a mere handful of games in his thirty-plus years and has chalked up well in excess of 500 matches.

Karl's contribution and the respect he has earned are reflected in his elevation to Life Membership and induction to the club Hall of Fame.

Karl's family has established a Go Fund Me page for Karl and we encourage you to support this with a donation, no matter how large or small. Let's get around him!


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